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  • Pastor Ralph

Thank You Jesus

When I was a kid, I can remember this relative (Great Aunt by marriage) coming to stay with my Aunts, Hazel and Helen. She would come stay for probably two weeks to a month. All I can remember is her sitting around in the back of the living room, watching TV and smoking. I don’t think she ever did much to help my Aunts and they treated her like gold. Please don’t miss understand me. I think company is great and we are to help out family and friends. Hospitality is both a spiritual gift and a means of exercising grace as Christians. But it is worth stating that my Aunts were the only ones who were kind to her and even paid any attention to her.

So here is the cruncher. This Aunt passed away and to everyone’s surprise, had quite a sizeable estate. The normal mind would have thought that she would have recognized my Aunts in some small way for their kindness. But no, she left them nothing. She left her whole estate to a distant relative that we had never seen or knew existed. He was a young man in his early twenties and lived out West. He flew in, had some interaction with my family, picked up his cheque and I don’t know if he kept in contact, after that, at all. Again, everything was above board and people have the right to do whatever they chose with their estates. But to me, as I assessed this situation, then and now, it just doesn't seem fair. I am sure you know of similar situations. As my Mom used to say, “Truth is stranger than fiction!”

Well there is a day coming when fairness will prevail. In fact, the generosity will be overwhelming. It will be a day of just reward. In Mark 10:29-31 (NIV), Jesus says, “Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—along with persecutions—and in the age to come eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first.”

The premise is this: Jesus is not saying that we have to go into full time ministry or become a missionary, etc., to be recognized and rewarded. He is simply saying I will graciously reward you and bless you beyond measure because of my love for you for what you have done for the Kingdom. I think a big part of the picture is what people have done as unassuming servants of the Saviour. Flashiness here will be overshadowed by faithfulness in Heaven. “But many who are first will be last and the last first.”

To encourage you this day, nothing is too insignificant for Jesus. As the old chorus goes, “Heaven is a wonderful place filled with glory and grace.” That is for sure. Part of that will be loving rewards from Jesus. That is just the type of Saviour we serve! All we can say is “Thank you Jesus!”

Have a great day, enjoy the sun and keep in the love of Jesus – Pastor Ralph

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