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Monday's Thoughts

Pastor Ralph


Hope your day has gone well.  It has been an interesting day filled with lots of information.  Again I am reminded of how we need to pray for our Political Leaders, our Health Care Officials and our front line Medical workers – they are doing a tremendous job in a very trying and stressful situation.  This is an interesting time for us as a congregation – we cannot meet yet I am so excited about the ministry that will take place while we are closed.  I know people will rally around to encourage one another through emails and phone calls.  We have a top notch team and we will pull through.  I want to thank all who helped, last week, through the challenging time of change.  It truly was a week of transition and people really stepped up.   I want to encourage you this day “that the joy of the Lord is your strength.”  (Nehemiah 8:10) This is not some great mystical thing but a decision by the child of God to walk in faith – to trust God and His word and lovingly follow Him.  Joy comes through trust and obedience. Remember that in the challenges of life you never – never walk alone.  We have a Good Shepherd who walks and sometimes carries us along the way.  Be patient – be cool (an old term from my generation LOL).  May God’s peace and love touch you this night – may His grace go before you tomorrow.  Till then – keep safe and keep yourself in the love of Jesus – Pastor Ralph

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Mar 18, 2020

Inspiring and comforting words. Thank you Pastor Ralph :)


Mar 18, 2020

thank you for the reflection i think for us GOD has given us a NEW THING to help us on the lonely days when all we hear is bad news on tv i also appreciate the wonderful worship music annette has been sending reminding us that GOD has his hand over our heads in these days thank you for all who are working to bring this website to us all

blessings pat


Mar 17, 2020

Loved your first reflection Pastor Ralph. Looking forward to future ones. I will continue to pray for our country’s leaders and health care providers as well as our brothers and sisters in the Lord who need courage and support in the days ahead. Blessings to you and your family. Elizabeth

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