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Father's Day!

Pastor Ralph

I constructed two previous “Reflections” this week but deleted both. They just did not seem to connect with what I really wanted to say. Then continuing to do research I stumbled on this illustration that really touched me. It was a personal look at the heart of Fatherhood from every day, common situations. It spoke to me of my life with my Father and now of my relationship with my children. I hope it encourages you and helps you reflect on the memories you have and how in the simply things of life a fathers love shines through.

“Gary Smalley, popular author and psychologist, asked 100 people, “What is one specific way you knew that you had received your parents’ blessing?” Here some of those answers:

1. “My father would put his arm around me at church and let me lay my head on his shoulder.”

2. “When my father was facing being transferred at work, he purposely took another job so that I could finish my senior year in high school at the same school.”

3. “When I wrecked my parent’s car, my father’s first reaction was to hug me and let me cry instead of yelling at me.”

4. “When I was thirteen, my dad trusted me to use his favourite hunting rifle when I was invited to go hunting with a friend and his father.”

5. “My father went with me when I had to take back an ugly dress a saleswoman had talked me into buying.”

6. “My father would let me practice pitching to him for a long time when he got home from work.”

7. “Even though I had never seen him cry before, my father cried during my wedding because he was going to miss me no longer being at home.”

God bless you – May your Father’s Day be one of love and encouragement. Stop to give thanks for the men that have played a positive role in your life and, if you have the opportunity, express your gratitude.

- Pastor Ralph

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 1:4 NIV

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Ross Chivers
Ross Chivers
Jun 16, 2021

When I was about eleven my Dad put film in his camera, showed me how to use it and let me go out in the backyard to take pictures. That camera cost a week’s pay on sale. I still have that camera.

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