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Advent: Day 3

Pastor Ralph

“The Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I need.” Psalm 23:1 (NLT)

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” John 10:11 (NLT)

Sheep and shepherds play a large role in the Christmas story. They were very important in the everyday life of Israel. Everyone could identify with them. At His birth, both sheep and shepherds were present. Sheep were present to remind us, today, that Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of the world. He was the Passover lamb.

Shepherds were present to remind us of the humble role of Jesus as a servant leader and also to remind us of God’s love for all people. Shepherds were seen as those who guided the sheep to safety and wellness. They were dedicated to the point of laying down their life for their flock. Take time, this Christmas, to think about sheep and shepherds. They tell a marvellous story, then and now, for a world longing for the Saviour’s love.

Prayer: Father we thank you for these emblems of Christmas. They not only decorate our homes and business and churches – they remind us of the beautiful truths behind the birth of your Son. We thank you that Jesus is our good shepherd and that He leads us each day. He is always with us and wants to lead us to places where we can drink in His word and mediate on His word in safety and peace. In this Christmas season may we be sensitive to your leading and when times become difficult to navigate help us to simple trust you. In Jesus' Name - Amen

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