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Advent: Day 19

Pastor Ralph

Luke 2:18-19 (NIV) “and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”

The Greek word translated here “treasured up” or “pondered” means to keep safe and close, to protect and preserve in memory, to bring together in one’s mind or to confer with oneself. Mary was “amazed”, like the others, but beyond that she “treasured” these things “in her heart.” During the time we have spent reflecting, in this Advent season of 2021, on the wonderful truths of Christmas, are there some things that stand out, some things that you treasure? Take the time to think, to reflect, and to “ponder” them like Mary. Maybe you would like to share them with those you are now with? As we complete our readings and live out the rest of this Advent season, may you have those special thoughts and moments you “treasure” and hide them deep within your heart!

Prayer: Father, we thank you for how Christmas touches us yearly. Each year, it warms our hearts in special and new ways. As we experience the marvels of your Son’s birth, may we be empowered and encouraged, once again, in avenues that continue to “amaze” us and, as we do, may we “treasure up all these things” in “our hearts.” Thank you Jesus. You are so wonderful - in whose name we pray - Amen

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