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Advent: Day 12

Pastor Ralph

“When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.” So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.” Luke 2:15-16 (NIV)

It was just another night out in the fields, probably sitting around a fire, sharing stories of the day. They had done it a thousand times before. Then suddenly before them, appeared an angel in the sky and the glory of the Lord shone around them. It shook them up a little. Then, a multitude of angels joined the angel who was announcing the birth of some little baby in Bethlehem. The sky was alive with their praise. The Angel told the shepherds that they were to find this baby in a manger, of all places, wrapped up in cloths. The angel said this little baby was the “saviour”. He was the “anointed one” “the promised one” “the Lord.” So they hurried in to check things out. It changed their lives for ever!

Jesus is still in the business of changing the lives of men and women. Daily, He comes to us to guide us, to strengthen us and to challenge us to be more like Him. Like the shepherds that night, He enters our world, where we are found, and infuses those things that will last for eternity. We welcome Him, like the shepherds, and share the fruit of His life changing presence. Thank you Jesus, for entering our world to help us prepare for the next. May “the good news of great joy” empower us, daily, as we seek to live for you.

Prayer: Father, we thank you for the story of the angels and the shepherds. They encourage us and inspire us as we think about things like worship, discipleship and sharing the good news. It reminds us that you use every day, common folks like us, to do your will and that Jesus is for all people. Your grace is marvellous and the shepherds remind us of that this day. God, help us to look afresh and anew at Jesus and how we can serve Him this day. In His precious name - Amen

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